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Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development

Custom software development is a process to design, create, deploy, and maintain software for a particular set of organizations, functions, or users. Compared to COTS (commercial off-the-shelf software), the objective of custom software development is a defined and narrow set of requirements. COTS focuses on an extensive set of requisites, which allows it to be packaged, advertised, and distributed. For instance, Sitebuilder and Microsoft Office are considered packaged commercial software services and products. They meet the needs of website creation and office productivity.

Contrarily, custom software is made for a particular set of requirements, for example:

  • Online banking apps made for particular needs of the customers and the bank
  • Field service equipment maintenance programs for the manufacturers

Customer software, including its development, is also called bespoke software; this term is originated in old English. Usually, customer software development is done by the development teams or outsourced to any third parties. The same methodology and process apply to software development as other kinds of development. Any custom project can move through the same steps of code construction, requirements gathering, deployment, and testing and include the same methodology, such as Rapid Application Development, DevOps, or Agile, like any other project.

The efforts linked with custom software development are application management, application modernization, and application customization. The app customization includes adjusting the COTS application to fulfill specific requirements. App modernization plays a crucial role in keeping the capability of a company’s custom software to meet the market and user demands. App management usually makes different software productive by installing, updating, availability and performance optimization, and various service desk functionality.

Importance of Custom Software Development

It is crucial as it helps meet the particular needs at a cost-competitive with buying, modifying, and maintaining commercial software. Some benefits are listed below:

Scalability: custom software grows as a business or organization evolves and alters. The developers and designers evaluate future needs as a part of their work. Then, these factors can be involved in the app, instead of including costs by buying additional subscriptions or licenses of packaged apps.

Efficiency: custom software is built to support different processes productively and swiftly, without adjusting or tinkering with COTS applications.

Profitability: Well! You can make a handsome amount of money with custom software development. Based on the project’s terms and conditions, companies developing their software can own it and thus sell or license it to other businesses.

Lower integration costs: A chief consideration of commercial software is: does it work perfectly with legacy apps? If your answer is no, businesses face more investment in getting the commercial software to connect and work with the existing infrastructure. Custom software builds to integrate with its designed environment.

Independence: The advantages of being free of any software vendor cut both sides. On the positive side, businesses avoid price hikes to license and support – and getting trapped maintaining software should the vendor go out of the company or terminate the products. On the opposite side, maintaining and supporting custom software falls to the business that makes it or had it sustained. How everything works needs every business to look cautiously at what is better to build or buy.

Keys to Productive Custom Software Development

Be definite about build vs. buy

The only key to the practical software development project is ensuring that custom software is required to purchase the packaged solutions. There is an excellent reason to be sure. The software solution finder explains that 75% of IT executives and companies anticipate that their projects can fail. Over one year, less than 1/3rd of projects are completed on budget and on time.

An approach to this analysis is to inquire if there is already a software solution delivering more significant than 80% of the functions required to:

  • Grow and change to the altering requirements
  • Enable new chances or improve competitive benefits
  • Helps or replace consolidate already present solutions to get more productivity
  • Help or replace consolidate already present solutions at low cost
  • Enable integration with data and legacy applications
  • Meet particular security or privacy requirements
  • Handle data and information particular to a line of business or industry
  • Automate or support specific business transactions and processes

Collaboration is essential

If the decisions are to be built, an essential initial thing to consider is to get buy-in from necessary participants and make sure that they collaborate and communicate on the project. The collaborators include developers, users, sponsors, even business partners and customers outside of the business.

In this way, collaboration means that company users work together when required, share their expertise among universal development groups, and work across operations and development teams to improve responsiveness and quality.

Requirements are needed

An essential result of the collaboration is a shared, clear vision for what any software is designed to do – and not to do. All the businesses need to define and manage the requirements effectively to make sure they meet the customer needs while staying on schedule and addressing compliance. Within the budget and requirements management, the activity has the probability of delivering a fast, high ROI.

A reasonable requirement should be:

  • Complete (shows a whole statement or idea)
  • Correct (legally and technically possible)
  • Consistent (without any conflict with other needs)
  • Clear (not confusing and unambiguous)
  • Traceable (precisely tracked and identified)
  • Verifiable (should be determined that the app meets the requirements)
  • Modular (should be changed without additional impact)
  • Feasible (should be done within schedule and cost)
  • Independent of the design (should not impose a particular solution on design)

Developmental Methodologies to Consider

DevOps combines operations and development. The agile-based method brings IT operations and software development together in the support, deployment, development, and design of the software.

Agile development divides the requirements into small functions and delivers on these functions through development. The feedback loop helps find and fix issues as functionality keeps deploying.

Scaled Agile Framework offers a way to scale the agile methodology to a large business like a global development team.

Rapid App Development is included in non-linear approaches condensing the code construction and design into one interlined step.